Let Yourself Be Seen

It was 3am. I was very pregnant, and very tired after being woken up by my then 3 year old daughter for the third time that night. In a moment of clarity…or desperation, I’ll let you decide which…I decided to engage some tough love and told her she needed to go put herself back to bed. She finally did, but wouldn’t turn the light off. After a good hour of listening to her unable to go back to sleep because the light was on, I finally dragged myself out of bed, walked in and sat down next to her. Our conversation began with a very sincere and very concerned child telling me she (desperately) needed the light on because she “can’t see.” I took a deep breath, closed my eyes and just began to share with her in a whisper…

“Avery, you don’t need your eyes to see. You are a soul. You were a magical ball of energy before you ever had this tiny little body you see and feel now. You can see anything you want and be anywhere you want just by closing your eyes and going.”

I shared a bit more, and she listened to me intently. Finally she whispered back in a hush, “ohhhh…ok mama,” and she went to sleep.

Lying there in bed, I realized this was really the first time in her 3 short years on this planet with me that I had actually shared fully like that with her. How was that possible??? This was a core truth that I operate by and share with people professionally in my life. Why is she just hearing this from me now??

I realized after some reflection that it was because I didn’t want my child to be cast out as different, or strange. A feeling I remember well! But the reality is, hiding behind ANY kind of mask is a disservice to ourselves, and all the people that need us – those we hold near and dear, and those we have yet to meet!

So, I encourage you today to take a moment and ask yourself what mask you can put down. What is it that no longer serves you? How can you be more authentic in your vision for yourself, and how you share of yourself with the world?

Expansion awaits!